6 January 2013

The Semi Permanent Statement

Still holding your breath? Time to exhale, Alba's people have confirmed it's a fakie. The style queen and hollywood superstar was inked up in Atlanta for her role in the upcoming film, 'A.C.O.D.' set to be released on the 23rd of this month.
As comments and images began to swell up my news feeds of the latest celebrity ink blot, it got me thinking of how tattoos really are just a form of self expression - just like a more permanent Balmain Jacket or Chanel bag. So even if the mother of 2 decided on a permanent bicep tattoo, who really are we to judge?
Now are the times where people want to show their opinions and values to the world, something I think should be encouraged on a global level.
Love or loath tattoos? Leave you'r opinion xxx
Images from www.hollywood.com & www.huffingtonpost.com


  1. I don't really like big tattoos but I think a small tattoo can be very pretty.

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    1. Thank you so much!
      Thank you for your support x
