7 April 2013


With the two Australian bomb shells being in business since 2003, they are certainly no longer the rookies of Australian Fashion Week, currently being held in Sydney.
With a now international following and exclusive Tony Bianco designs, their Spring/Summer 2013/14 collection was one that left the fashion following begging for more.

Highlights included white, pajamas like silks floating down the runway in such feminine easy and wearable silhouettes. The effortless and futuristic glam continued as whites morphed into metallic pastel sheens and prints. Not to mention the tailored vests and white sequins.. oh my!

Over all the collection was a hit, with many pieces being snatched up straight off the runway from a hungry crowd of fashion goers.

Now to wait until 4pm to watch the marvouls Alex Perry and his                  
beautiful new Spring/Summer range.
The show can be viewed here at at JASU.com
Enjoy Fashion Week Australia everyone! X


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